get the ball rolling
- 英語フレーズ: get the ball rolling
- 品詞:動詞句
- 意味:(活動やプロセスなどを)始める
- 使い方:成果や完成まで一定期間が必要な活動などを『始める』の意味で使います。getの代わりにsetやstartの形も有る。また、ballの代わりにthingsを使い『事を始める』の意味の英語も。関連語としてkeep the ball rolling. は(始めた活動を)『続ける』の意味。ボールをゴロゴロを転がすイメージから意味を想像しやすい慣用句です。onを後に続けて『始める』『続ける』の対象を伝える、byを後に続けて『~することから始める』のパターンが多い。
【例文】get the ball rolling
Let's get the ball rolling by setting up a kick-off meeting.
We start the ball rolling on the project by sharing the project schedule with all members.
No one seems inclined to ask a question, would you set the ball rolling, Jack?
In this meeting, I'll start the ball rolling by introducing the result of the previous period.
You need to keep the ball rolling in this activity even if we can't get short term outcome.
【英英辞典の定義】get the ball rolling
to do something that starts an activity, or to start doing something in order to encourage other people to do the same:
【言い換え・類語】get the ball rolling
- start
- begin
- undertake
- initiate
- embark on
get the ball rollingの言い換え例文
Let's start the activity by setting up a kick-off meeting.
We embark on the project by sharing the project schedule with all members.
No one seems inclined to ask a question, would you begin asking a question, Jack?
In this meeting, I'll commence it by introducing the result of the previous period.
You need to continue this activity even if we can't get short term outcome.
hit the running