cut corners
- 英語フレーズ: cut corners
- 品詞:動詞句
- 意味:手を抜く、サボる
- 使い方:動詞の慣用句。レースなどでコーナー(角)をキッチリ回ると時間がかかるので角を丸めてショートカットするイメージから、『サボる』『手を抜く』の意味でビジネスミーティングなどでよく使われる。
【例文】cut corners

cut corners
You had better not cut corners in this project.
Manufacturers who cut corners on inspection will get a penalty.
The house maker was severely criticized to have cut corners in building the house.
I don't like to cut corners when creating a presentation slide deck.
We have individual differences in the tendency to cut corners at work.
【英英辞典の定義】cut corners
cut cornersのCambridge英英辞典の定義です。
- to save money or time when doing something by not including some parts, actions, or details, so that the result is not as good as it could be
- to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way
【言い換え・類語】cut corners

- cut down
- blow off
- slack off
- skip
- cut costs
- cut time
- meat a budget
cut cornersの言い換え例文
You had better not slack off in this project.
\had betterの本当の意味/
Manufacturers who blow off on inspection will get a penalty.
The house maker was severely criticized to have skip the mandatory tasks in building the house.
I don't like to slack off when creating a presentation slide deck.
\ビジネスでよくでるslide deck/
We have individual differences in the tendency to cut down necessary work at work.
品質の議論で"cut corners"はよく出る
- 計画を綿密に練らない
- 材料費をカットする
- テスト工程を簡易に済ませる
- 品質検査を省略する
cut cornersは、品質をテーマに議論をする際やメールのやりとりに頻発する英語表現です。
- do it properly
- proper process
- take proper span to do all the task

hit the running
