
at the end of the dayの意味・例文・使い方【ビジネスMTG英語】


at the end of the day (1日の最後のイメージである夕方の写真)


at the end of the day

  • 英語フレーズ at the end of the day
  • 品詞:副詞句
  • 意味結局のところ、とどのつまり、結論として
  • 使い方:バッサリと切り落とすようなイメージで議論をまとめる際の決まり文句としてat the end of the dayを使う。1日の朝から夜までいろいろなことがあったが、結局その日の最後には・・・と締めくくるイメージ。


【例文】at the end of the day

at the end of the dayのイメージ(日が沈む海の写真)


Of course, each employee can state his or her opinion freely, but at the end of the day, it's boss's decision which plan we should take.


I'll listen to what my parents have to say but at the end of the day, it's my decision.


It is important to make a cost effective products, but at the end of the day, youngers prefer to Apple products.


But at the end of the day, it is academic background that is important to get promoted in Japanese large companies.


【英英辞典の定義】at the end of the day



something that you say before you give the most important fact of a situation





【言い換え・類語】at the end of the day

結論や核心を述べる前に使うフレーズ"at the end of the day"は、以下のような類語表現で言い換えられます



  • ultimately
  • finally
  • in conclusion
  • in the end
  • after all
  • in summary
  • eventually
  • when all is said and done


at the end of the dayの言い換え例文


Of course, each employee can state his or her opinion freely, but in the end, it's boss's decision which plan we should take.


I'll listen to what my parents have to say but after all, it's my decision.


It is important to make a cost effective products, but ultimately, youngers prefer to Apple products.


But in conclusion, it is academic background that is important to get promoted in Japanese large companies.


at the end of the dayが実際に使われた場面



結局のところ、彼自身が(どこのチームに入団するかを)決めること」に"at the end of the day"を使っています。



"at the end of the day"は周りをしらけさせる危険も

at the end of the dayは、結論やまとめを述べる前に使う慣用句です。



ある議題に対して折角参加者からいろいろな建設的な意見が出たのに、「結局のところ、重要なのは~だ」とat the end of the day, ~で浅くまとめられると、その場にいる人をしらけさせたりイライラさせる危険もあります






think            the box








