- 英語フレーズ: backfill
- 品詞:名詞/動詞
- 意味:後継者、後継ぎ、後継ぎを埋める
- 使い方:名詞と動詞の使われ方があります。ビジネスでは転職者や異動者の空ポストに入る人(名詞)やそのポストを埋める(動詞)意味で使います。人の入れ替わりが多めの外資系企業でよく聞く英語表現です。
- 由来:通常は、『ドリルやスコップで掘り出された土砂でその空いた穴や溝を埋める』という意味の専門用語で使われます。文字通りback(戻して)fill(埋める)のイメージです。
Jack quit the company suddenly. We have to hire someone new to backfill that empty position.
Our senior manager is planning to take a childcare leave for 6 months. I don't know who will be backfilled.
She got promoted last month. Therefore, her position will be empty since she will be transfer to a higher position and someone will backfill it.
If a company needs backfill positions for employees on maternity leave, it should make it clear to the replacements that their roles are temporary.
Once an manager is promptly terminated their job on short notice, backfilling can produce either a short-term or permanent replacement.

- material used to fill a hole that has been created by digging, etc.
- to fill a hole created by digging or drilling, especially using some of the material that has been taken out
- to replace workers after jobs have been made available

- replacement
- successor
- vacant post
- refill
- replace
- position
- succeed to
- inherit
Jack quit the company suddenly. We have to hire someone new to refill that empty position.
Our senior manager is planning to take a childcare leave for 6 months. I don't know who will be positioned.
She got promoted last month. Therefore, her position will be empty since she will be transfer to a higher position and someone will succeed to it.
If a company needs replacing positions for employees on maternity leave, it should make it clear to the replacements that their roles are temporary.
Once an manager is promptly terminated their job on short notice, refilling can produce either a short-term or permanent replacement.

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