key takeaways
- 英語フレーズ: key takeaways
- 品詞:名詞句
- 意味:重要なポイント、学んだことや得られたことのまとめ
- 使い方:ビジネスセミナーや授業の最後に「本日の講義で学んだこと」というようなまとめのパートでkey takeaway(s)が使われる。Key(カギ)となるtakeaway(持ち帰るもの)と言葉通りの意味。takeawayは動詞takeと副詞awayがくっついて一つの名詞となった英単語。余談ですがファーストフードなどの『持ち帰り』の意味でも特にUK Englishでtakeawayが使われる。(USはtake-out)
【例文】key takeaways
At the end of the presentation, the executive summarized key takeaways regarding how we deploy AI in the are of general affairs department.
Here are three key takeaways from CEO keynote address at the company's new year conference.
One of the key takeaways stressed by the panelists was that social media is rather dangerous for youngers.
Tomorrow, I'll share some of the key takeaways from the Sales know-how conference.
【Sales know-how conferenceの配布スライド最終ページ】
Key takeaways
the process of making an appointment with prospective customers.
- first email
- second email after 3days.
- calling the client.
【英英辞典の定義】key takeaways
a main message or piece of information that you learn from something you hear or read
【言い換え・類語】key takeaways
- points
- outcome
- summary
- result
- upshot
- conclusion
key takeawaysの言い換え例文
At the end of the presentation, the executive summarized outcomes regarding how we deploy AI in the are of general affairs department.
Here are three conclusions from CEO keynote address at the company's new year conference.
One of the points stressed by the panelists was that social media is rather dangerous for youngers.
Tomorrow, I'll share some of the points from the Sales know-how conference.
【Sales know-how conferenceの配布スライド最終ページ】
the process of making an appointment with prospective customers.
- first email
- second email after 3days.
- calling the client.
”key takeaways”はプレゼンの最初にも使える
After my presentation
Key Takeaways
touch with