reinvent the wheel
- 英語フレーズ: reinvent the wheel
- 品詞:動詞句
- 意味:『無駄な労力をする』
- 使い方:車輪は既に発明されているのに車輪を0から発明する労力は無駄。転じて既に別の誰かにより解決されたことや終わった仕事に時間をかけて取り組もうとするのは無駄であると相手に伝える表現。またノウハウがないことを内製で1から学んで対応するより、それができる人や機械を外部から調達するほうが手っ取り早いことを伝える際にも使われる。
【例文】reinvent the wheel
Some of these ideas are worth discussing more, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel. We need to investigate competitors outcomes which is available in the market.
I don't think it's a good idea to reinvent the wheel. We can hire someone who has excellent expertise and experience on it.
Go check if others have done already so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
We have to start from scratch. But please do not reinvent the wheel. Our schedule and resource are limited in this project.
\from scratchを解説/
from scratchの意味・例文・使い方と反論表現【ビジネスMTG英語】
from scratch 英語フレーズ:🔊 Play from scratch 品詞:副詞句 意味:作業・開発・プロセスなどにおいて『ゼロから、いちから、最初から』 使い ...
Be careful not to reinvent the wheel. Take importance on efficiency of the work.
【英英辞典の定義】reinvent the wheel
- to waste time trying to create something that someone else has already created
- to waste time learning how to do something when it is already known how to do it
【言い換え・類語】reinvent the wheel
- waste time
- replicate what already exists
- useless
- of no use
reinvent the wheelの言い換え例文
Some of these ideas are worth discussing more, but there is no need to replicate what already exits. We need to investigate competitors outcomes which is available in the market.
I don't think it's a good idea to be waste of time. We can hire someone who has excellent expertise and experience on it.
Go check if others have done already so you don't have to be useless.
We have to start from scratch. But please do not perform useless work. Our schedule and resource are limited in this project.
Be careful not to waste time. Take importance on efficiency of the work.
hit the running
『reinvent the wheel』 嫌味にならないよう注意
reinvent the wheelを命令や指示として相手に伝える場合、言い方や文脈によっては「きつい」「嫌味な」メッセージで伝わることもあります。
"We don't have to replicate what others have already done." (他の人が既にやったことを複製する必要はない)