

think outside the boxの意味・例文・使い方【ビジネスMTG英語】



think outside the box

  • 英語フレーズ think outside the box
  • 品詞:動詞句
  • 意味既成の概念やルールにとらわれずに考える型にはまらない思考をする過去の枠組みを取り除いて全く新しい考えをする
  • 使い方:新しいアイデアを考えたり問題解決やブレインストーミングの場面で使われる表現。直訳の”箱の外で考えよう”から、既成概念や現状の壁に囲まれた”箱”から外に出て新しく遮るものがない景色の中でオープンに思考するイメージ。blue-sky thinkingも同じような意味の言葉。


【例文】think outside the box

think outside the box (箱から出て) 思考している女性のイラスト



I want young people to have courage to think outside the box to travel the unexplored path and to conquer the problems. These are great qualities that they must work toward their dream.


My company encourages employees thinking outside the box by allowing us to have second job.


This company is going to continue to lose competitions unless we start thinking outside the box.


When faced a challenging situation, it is necessary to "think outside the box'' because it can lead you to generate solution that otherwise might not have occurred to you.


【英英辞典の定義】think outside the box



to think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas



【言い換え・類語】think outside the box

クリエイティブなアイデアを求めるフレーズ"think outside the box"は、以下のような類語表現で言い換えられます



  • think unconventionally
  • think creatively
  • think divergently
  • think differently
  • come up with new ideas
  • break the status quo


think outside the boxの言い換え例文

I want young people to have courage to break the status quo to travel the unexplored path and to conquer the problems. These are great qualities that they must work toward their dream.


My company encourages employees come up with new business ideas by allowing us to have second job.


This company is going to continue to lose competitions unless we start thinking unconventionally.


When faced a challenging situation, it is necessary to "think creatively'' because it can lead you to generate solution that otherwise might not have occurred to you.


"think outside the box"は現状打破のスローガンに


think outside the boxは、そんな状況を打破したい場面でスローガンとしても使われる言葉です。







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