bring to the table
- 英語フレーズ: bring something to the table
- 品詞:動詞句
- 意味:有益なもの・情報・経験をもたらす、役に立つ情報・もの・経験を提供する
- 使い方:仕事・プロジェクト・チームワーク・ディスカッションなどの集団活動に”役立つものや利益をもたらす”の意味で使われ、XXXの部分にsomething, knowledge, skill, technique, experienceなどが入る。また、tableの代わりにproject, team, my companyなど直接的な目的語が使われることも。
【例文】bring to the table
The newly hired consultant brings a lot of experience and some important skills to the table.
If you are told that "you brought something to the table", you made a great contribution to the project.
("You brought something to the table"と言われたら、それはあなたがプロジェクトに大きな貢献をしたということだよ。)
I know it is my duty to solve the problem and to bring something to the table.
Come on everyone! Please bring new ideas to the table!
Matsui hit another homerun! He really bring something to the team!
【英英辞典の定義】bring to the table
to provide something that will be a benefit
【言い換え・類語】bring to the table
- provide something beneficial
- come to someone's rescue
- contribute to
- lend a hand to
- help
bring to the tableの言い換え例文
The newly hired consultant provides the team with a lot of experience and some important skills.
I know it is my duty to solve the problem and to contribute to the team.
Come on everyone! Please help us by coming up with new ideas!
Matsui hit another homerun! He really lends a hand to the team!
”テーブルの上に”は通常"on the table"ですよね。
There is an apple on the table.
- on:接触
- to:到達
ちなみに"on the table"は検討中の熟語でもあります。
All options are on the table.
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