
push the envelopeの意味・例文・使い方【ビジネスMTG英語】


push the envelope(限界に挑戦しているフライトの様子)


push the envelope

  • 英語フレーズpush the envelope
  • 品詞:動詞句
  • 意味限界に挑む、無謀な挑戦をする
  • 使い方:語源は航空業界の専門用語に由来します。航続距離・スピード・エンジン出力・高度など工学上の限界スペック範囲のことをenvelopeといい、パイロットがその限界を超えるようなテスト飛行を行うことが"push the envelope"のオリジナルの意味です。このためビジネス英語でも”リスクが高い”、”無謀である”のニュアンスを含んで「限界に挑む」「無謀な挑戦をする」の意味で使われます。
  • 発音:envelopeは母音で始まるのでプッシュ エンヴェロープ。


【例文】push the envelope

push the envelope(限界に挑戦するために操縦しているパイロット)


Board members decided to push the envelope and accept the hostile takeover from the investment company.


Some people like to choose to push the envelope based on the idea that life is short and they can do anything if you strongly desire it.


Why not push the envelope a bit more and work in a venture company?


In spite of the other family members' opposition, Jack pushed the envelope and went to Saudi Arabia alone to find a job.


Some YouTubers push the envelope with radical movies, intended to increase PVs in their channel.


【英英辞典の定義】push the envelope 

push the envelopeの英英辞典の定義です



to behave in more extreme ways, or to try new things that have not been acceptable or tried before



【言い換え・類語】push the envelope

"push the envelope"は、以下のような類語表現で言い換えられます



  • go beyond the limit
  • break the limit
  • take a high risk
  • take the plunge


push the envelopeの言い換え例文

Board members decided to take a high risk and accept the hostile takeover from the investment company.


Some people like to choose to break the limit based on the idea that life is short and they can do anything if you strongly desire it.


Why not take the plunge and work in a venture company?


In spite of the other family members' opposition, Jack took the plunge and went to Saudi Arabia alone to find a job.


Some YouTubers take a high risk with radical movies, intended to increase PVs in their channel.


"push the envelope"は封筒とは関係ない

「フライト エンベロープ」のイラスト(push the envelopeのenvelope)

flight envelopeのイメージ



しかし、この”push the envelope”という慣用句は封筒とは関係ありません。







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