beat around the bush
- 英語フレーズ: beat around the bush
- 品詞:動詞句
- 意味:遠回しに言う、はぐらかす、本音を言わない、核心に触れない、はっきり言わない
- 使い方:日本の打ち合わせではストレートにものごとを言わずにそれっぽいことを言って相手に悟ってもらうことを期待するコミュニケーションがよくあります。こういう核心に触れずにオブラードに包んだ会話にイライラした外国人が「はぐらかさずにストレートに本音を言ってくれ」と相手に言うときの慣用句です。語源は、中世時代に鳥の狩猟人がbush(やぶ)の中を直接棒で叩くとハチなどの危険動物に襲われる危険があるため、周りから叩いて慎重に藪の中の危険動物を避けていたことに由来します。
- 発音:beat a-round the bush 太字の部分を強めに読むイメージ。beatのtと冠詞のaは連結し"ビータァウンド"。
【例文】beat around the bush
If you want to order something to me, just tell me straight to the point. Don't beat around the bush please!
In this meeting, stop beating around the bush. We need to save time.
The boss never beats around the bush in facing the problem.
Many Japanese managers would not answer yes or no, but just beat around the bush.
Let’s get straight! I am fed up with his beating around the bush.
【英英辞典の定義】beat around the bush
to avoid talking about what is important:
【言い換え・類語】beat around the bush
- sidestep
- be indirect / not direct
- (deliberately) be ambiguous or unclear
- hint
- insinuate
- imply
- intimate
- indicate
- allude
- evade
- avoid
beat around the bushの言い換え例文
If you want to order something to me, just tell me straight to the point. Don't be ambiguous please!
In this meeting, stop insinuating yourself into the matter. We need to save time.
※ insinuate:ほのめかす
The boss never avoid his true opinion in facing the problem.
Many Japanese managers would not answer yes or no, but just imply his or her opinion.
Let’s get straight! I am fed up with his unclear stance.
"beat around the bush"を使われたら不満の証
打ち合わせやメールで相手が"Don't beat around the bush."を使ってきた場合、状況に満足していない可能性があります。
- In my opinion, 結論 because 理由
- My answer is Yes/No. And I have 2 reasons. One is 理由1 the other is 理由2
英語で自分の考えや意見を述べる際は、思いの強さや断定の度合いに応じて英語表現を使い分けるようにします。 定型表現は丸暗記で覚えておき、自分の考えや意見をその後につなげて英文が完成するイメ ...
”beat around the bush”に慎重に言い返す表現
You have to study Japanese communication culture. Do you know the Japanese word ”sontaku” ?
I have never seen a person who did not get angry being told things straight!
If I go straight, I am sure you will be pissed off!
bring something to the