from scratch
- 英語フレーズ: from scratch
- 品詞:副詞句
- 意味:作業・開発・プロセスなどにおいて『ゼロから、いちから、最初から』
- 使い方:昔、屋外の徒競走レースで棒で地面を引っかいて(scratchして)描いたスタートラインから全員がスタートしなければならなかったことに由来しこの表現が『ゼロから』、『最初から』の意味で使われる。
【例文】from scratch
It will take huge time if we develop the service application from scratch. Instead we can use cloud service.
My father built the company from scratch when he was 19. I respect him a lot.
The trainees worked very hard to create the new service, but unfortunately due to intellectual property issues, they must start to come up with an new idea from scratch.
I will restart my life from scratch after I finish what I have to do.
We designed the next model of the car from scratch.
【英英辞典の定義】from scratch
from the beginning, without using anything that already exists
【言い換え・類語】from scratch
- from the very beginning
- start from nothing
- start from zero
- from outset
- start again
- start over
from scratchの言い換え例文
It will take huge time if we develop the service application from zero. Instead we can use cloud service.
My father built the company from nothing when he was 19. I respect him a lot.
The trainees worked very hard to create the new service, but unfortunately due to intellectual property issues, they must start again to come up with an new idea.
I will restart my life from outset after I finish what I have to do.
We designed the next model of the car from nothing.
"from scratch"に失望したら
from scratchに失望したシーン1
from scratchのデメリットを伝える
But I think "from scratch" also has disadvantages. It will be time consuming and cost a lot. We may lose price competitiveness and miss sales opportunity!
(けれど、from scratchにもデメリットがあると思います。時間もコストもかかります。価格競争力を失い営業的な観点から機会も逃すかもしれません)
[st-card myclass="" id="3778" label="" pc_height="" name="" bgcolor="" color="" webicon="" readmore="on" thumbnail="on" type=""]
[st-minihukidashi webicon="" fontsize="" fontweight="" bgcolor="#74b1da" color="#fff" margin="0 0 20px 0" radius="" position="" myclass="" add_boxstyle=""]from scratchに失望したシーン2[/st-minihukidashi]
[st-kaiwa5]You have to restart the project from scratch.[/st-kaiwa5]
[responsivevoice voice="UK English Male"]I am afraid but I can't agree on it. I have no choice but to leave from the project. You had better find other members to be involved in restart.[/responsivevoice]
[st-kaiwa8]had betterは「そうしないと大変なことになりますよ」の意味を含んだ強い表現です
had better (not)の使い方 ⇒あきれ・警告・上から目線の忠告に要注意
had betterの使い方は要注意です。 ”緊急性を伴う”、”そうしないと大変なことになる”というような場面を除き、ビジネスやフォーマルの場面では使わない方が無難です 英 ...
from scratchに失望したシーン3
But I think we can make the most of experience and expertise we have up until now !
※ make the most of:最大限活用する。これまでを無駄にしない
from scratchに失望したシーン4
Better never than restart!
better late than neverの意味・例文・使い方【ビジネスMTG英語】
better late than never 英語フレーズ: better late than never 🔊 Play 品詞:形容詞句 意味:(取りかかりや到着などが) ...
from scratchに失望したシーン5
Oh my god! How dare you can tell me so!