



  • 書き出し
  • 締め
  • 結びのことば
  • 年末年始・新年挨拶
  • サンプルメール
  • コロナの動向・過ごし方















Spring is here to make our days better and brighter!


Spring has finally arrived. Wishing you and family all the best during this brand new season.


Happy Spring! Let’s welcome new fiscal year opportunities and beginnings.


Full bloom of the cherry blossoms is just around the corner.


The cherry blossoms are 50% in bloom.


Sakura flowers are beautifully dancing(fluttering) in the air in Japan.


Spring has finally arrived. Wishing you all the best during this brand new season.


After a long and cold winter, let’s welcome the warmth that comes with the beautiful flowers.




I am thrilled that we are having an active season with my favorite things, suntan, palm trees, and an ocean breeze. 


Finally the summer vacation is here. I hope you will have a great time with your family and colleagues.


Finally the summer vacation is here. It is great time to go to beautiful places and beach, enjoy the countryside and go shopping!





It is the time to enjoy the taste of autumn; sweet potato and pumpkin.


In Japan, we have many seasonal delicious food in autumn (fall).



  • 秋刀魚:Pacific saury / Mackerel pike
  • マツタケ:Matsutake Mushroom
  • 栗:Chestnuts / Japanese chestnuts



  お礼の英語表現がいつも”Thank you very much."ばかりだと、なんだか味気ないですよね。   ワンパターンの英語を繰り返していると、機械的で表現力に乏しくなって ...




I hope this email finds you well and your holiday season is full of peace, joy and happiness.


Let me take this opportunity to thank you very much for your patronage over last year and wish you a very happy and prosperous 2024.


What a heavy year it’s been, definitely an eventful one! I’m so grateful we have each other to get through it all. I hope you and your family are well.


Merry Christmas! May your wealth be large and your bills be small in happy holidays.




I hope this email finds you well and safe during these difficult times. As a global community we are still facing uncertain times across both business and society.


Hope this email finds you peace and healthy. I would like to thank you very much for your continuous support and dedication in this challenging year too.


As the COVID-19 travel limits ended, the number of foreign visitors to Japan has recovered to that of 2019.








I’m wishing you a wonderful and happy spring.


Spring brings plenty of new opportunities. I wish your success!


May the warmth of spring bring you comfort and happiness! Happy spring!





May this summer brings lots of happiness to your life. Wish you have a great summer.


Enjoy your summer vacation and come back safe.


Have a great and active summer vacation!




May the season of Autumn be full of warmth and joy for you. 


May your efforts bear fruit. Happy Autumn.


May you gain the fruits of your work this Autumn.





As the new year is soon upon us, this support and care will warm our hearts and help us on the way forward.


I’m sorry I was not able to visit you this year. Hopefully it will be safe to meet you in New York soon! Happy Holidays!


Health, happiness, and peace during this holiday season and through the coming year.


Cheers to 2022 and hello to a happy 2023!


Season's greetings and best wishes for your family's happiness.


May your holidays and 2022 bring you the gifts of love, peace, and happiness.


Season’s greetings and warmest wishes for the new year to you and your loved ones.


Wishing you holidays filled with happiness and laughter, and very best wishes for a prosperous new year.


I wish you a lot of happy winter’s time spent with your family. Happy Winter!


Happy Christmas! I put so much thought into your gift that now it's too late to get it.


May my wishes add warmth to your days. Happy Winter Season!



Let's keep striving together to overcome the unprecedented long lasting tough business situation!


I really hope that this terrible time will end soon and we can see each other in business.


May you have a lot of happiness and smiles!


I hope things return to normal as soon as possible.


I wish you to take special care not to give in to COVID-19.


Stay safe, healthy and strong!


With sympathy and love.


You are in my thoughts.







We look forward to seeing you with a big smile again soon.


I am very looking forward to working with you.


I am thrilled to continue to work with you in future.


I can not wait to work with you soon.


Thank you for your continuous support.


Also, please give my best regards to Jack.



"appreciate(アプリシエイト)"は、日常会話やビジネスで頻出する英単語ですよね。 感謝と依頼の意味でよく使います。 "We would appreciate ~"は、決まり文句ですよね。 こ ...



↑ 目次へ戻る


"Best Regards"や"Kind Regards"の代わりに使える結びの言葉です



Love & Warmth

Warmest wishes

Joy and good cheer

Happiness & Peace

Peace on Earth

Warmest wishes



Season’s greetings

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas to you

Wishing you Joy

Merry Everything

Happy Christmas

Merry Christmas

Jingle all the way

Joy to the world

Happy new year


↑ 目次へ戻る



相手を励ますメッセージ『Stay Strong!』のフレーズをGoogle翻訳したリストをまとめました。


『Stay Strong!』の現地語

  • ドイツ語:Standhaft bleiben!
  • フランス語:Reste fort!
  • イタリア語:Sii forte!
  • スペイン語:¡Mantenerte fuerte!
  • ポルトガル語:Manter-se forte!
  • ロシア語:Оставайся сильным!
  • ポーランド語:Badź silny!
  • 中国語:坚强点!
  • 韓国語:힘내라!
  • ベトナム語:Mạnh mẽ lên!
  • タイ語:เข้มแข็งไว้!
  • インドネシア語:Tetaplah kuat!
  • マレー語:Kekal kuat!


despitein spite ofの違い/


↑ 目次へ戻る







件名Season's Greetings

Dear Jack,

I hope this email finds you well and safe during these difficult times.

As expected, it was fun and important to communicate face to face in October.

Looking back 2023, we may remember this year as the value of our relationship.

Even though the world has been struggling against post COVID-19 pandemic, we have joined forces to keep our business up and running as best we can.

I am impressed and helped by your strong leadership to overcome the situation and sincerely hope to continue collaboration in 2024.

 I trust that we will be able to keep striving to overcome the unprecedented circumstances.

As for myself, I will be in my hometown Hokkaido and stay with my family from Dec. 25 to Jan.3.

I will make the first visit of the year to a shrine in my neighborhood as common Japanese custom and pray for safety and success of the new year.  

Wishing you holidays filled with happiness and laughter, and very best wishes for a prosperous new year.

Warmest wishes




挨拶メールで"had better"は使わないようにしましょう


↑ 目次へ戻る




件名:Season's Greetings

Hi Jack,

I hope this email finds you well and safe.

I would like to thank you very much for your continuous support you have shown towards the team in 2023.

Looking back 2023, while post Covid 19 bringing so many changes and challenges to our lives, we made it through working from home, remote meetings and most importantly,  remote drinking party.

We may remember this year as the value of our partnership and friendship.

I spent so much time thinking about your gift but I found I am not able to visit you during the situation, but happy holidays anyway.

I trust that we will be able to keep striving to overcome the unprecedented circumstances through cooperation in 2024 too.

As for myself, I have been in my hometown Hokkaido and stay with my family from Dec. 25 to Jan.3.

Wishing you the best for the holidays and beyond.

Cheers to 2023 and hello to a happy 2024!

Warm Regards,








Japan’s government have lifted the restriction on entry and shifted to the New Normal.


The rule requiring people to show proof of vaccination for indoor dining and other events participation has been coming to an end.

  • proof of vaccination:ワクチン接種証明


We depend on many visitors from overseas to revitalize the Japanese economy.


The new Covid-19 variant has been spreading faster in the world at a rate we have not seen with any previous variant.


While finishing the Olympic, the number of newly reported COVID-19 cases in Japan has increased exponentially driven by the delta variant and we had a bad day that exceeded 20,000 a day across Japan.

  • delta variant:デルタ株


Some major enterprises have started offering a workplace inoculation program.

  • workplace inoculation program:職場ワクチン摂取


Japan’s vaccination rollout was launched in February firstly for medical workers and expanded to people age 65 or older in April, however the inoculation rate remains low compared with other developed countries.

  • vaccination:ワクチン摂取
  • innoculate:接種する


The new variant of coronavirus started to expand in some area and it continues to make us feel uneasy.

  • variant:変異種


Fears of rapid coronavirus variant spread surrounds us in Japan.


There’s growing concern that variant could be causing more infections in Japan.


We have not so far succeed in curbing infections caused by a more contagious new variant of the virus.


It is said that Japan will secure enough COVID-19 vaccines for all residents age 16 or older by the end of September.

  • vaccine: ワクチン


Due to short supply of imported vaccines, Japan's inoculation campaign lags behind other countries.

  • innoculation:接種
  • lag behaind:遅れる


With a view to accelerating vaccination, Japanese government considers allowing dentists to administer COVID-19 vaccines.


It is concerned that State of emergency declaration does not have enough effect any more as people get used to it.


The Japanese government has decided to extend the state of emergency in four prefectures including Tokyo and Osaka until the end of the month, and even expand its area.


The severe situation of beds shortage for the patients has prompted Osaka prefecture to ask the central government to extend the state of emergency.


Many of the Japanese people start to believe that the Tokyo Olympic Games have no choice but to be postponed again or cancelled.

  • have no choice but to: ~以外に選択はない


Restaurants are requested to close at early 8 P.M and  people are also encouraged “silent eating” no matter what time they eat out at a restaurant.

  • silent dining/ silent eating:黙食


State of emergency in Tokyo was lifted the other day and people are gradually moving back to normal life.

  • lift: 解除する


We continue to refrain from non-essential meetings with people except families we currently live with.


Some of the prefectures started to take strict steps for prevention of spread virus without an emergency declaration.

  • prevention of spread:まん延防止


The government instructs us to work from home and targets 70 % or more in whole industry sectors.


We have been in lockdown in practice and continue to avoid eating out and non-essential travel.

  • lockdown:外出禁止


3 W’s are highly significant; wear mask, wash your hands and watch the distance to a person.
(3W: マスク、手洗い、人との距離が引き続き重要です)


Some of the repercussions and new life and business style may be long-lasting even post COVID-19 era.

  • repercussion: (後に残る)影響




↑ 目次へ戻る




I’m so sorry to hear that you are/were infected with COVID-19.


I learned from Jack the unfortunate news that you have been infected with COVID-19.


I wish your quick recovery and good health. Stay strong!


I sincerely hope that you will be making a quick recovery.


Please get some good rest and I wish you health and strength.


All my business colleagues join me in wishing your recovery.



  • hopeは、現実に即して使います。「望んでいる」「期待する」「(希望をこめて)期待する」などの意味です。
  • wishは仮定法的に使います。実現の可能性が低いことや現実に反していることを望むときに使います。




I hope that you will be happy.

I wish your happiness.





↑ 目次へ戻る





It is sure to be the time of awfully mixed emotions with tears.


I am so sorry for your family loss.


We carry you in our hearts throughout this difficult season and continue to be here for you as you move forward.


In the midst of it all, we wish you moments of peace, love and healing to sustain you.


↑ 目次へ戻る





  • resume:自己都合かどうかを問わず、しばらく止めていた状態から再開するときに使います
  • restart:"止めていた状態から再開する"、"一からやり直す"の両方の意味で使えます。
  • reopen:お店や支店など、場所や施設の営業が再開するときに使います


We are please to announce that my company would resume global business from next quarter.


It gives us great pleasure to inform you that our company decided to restart global business.


We made an announcement of re-opening of New York branch of my company.


↑ 目次へ戻る

【3年利用者の本音】 DMM英会話とネイティブキャンプはどっちがいい?2024年版

※ プロモーションも含まれます。   小さい会社を含めると100社以上から選べるオンライン英会話。 このうち、120か国10,000人以上の講師から選べるオンライン英会話はDMM英会話とネイ ...





「車に乗る」の英語はどっち? get onとget in使い分けの法則

  「乗り物に乗る」は、get onとget inの両方が使われます。 この記事を読めば、乗り物別にこの使い分けをいちいち覚える必要がなくなります。 Let's get on the bus ...


英語に触れていると、すぐに呑み込めない不可算名詞に直面することがあります。 論理的かつ例外なく、『形や区切りの有無、ひとつふたつと数えられるかどうか』の観点ですべての英単語が可算名詞と不可算名詞に分か ...

